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Emergency Procedures
Here is our safety and security board.
It’s important to familiarise yourself with what we have here in case of an emergency.
Our club is under 24 hour, 7 days a week security monitoring.
The club is equipped with emergency duress devices located throughout the club. If you press these, it will trigger an alarm response with our security company, they can log in to the cameras & see what the issue is & act accordingly. You can see here we have portable emergency devices available for you to carry around while using the facility. We recommend these be worn when using Recovery Club outside of staffed hours. You can wear these in the Ice Baths if you choose, however please do not take these into our saunas, we have duress buttons installed in these should you need assistance while using these services.
Here we also have a First Aid kit, Defibrillator and CPR guide.
For a medical emergency, please call Triple Zero (000) immediately using your personal device or the emergency phone provided. Please also answer this phone if it ever rings as we may request you to do a welfare check on a private suite if needed.
For any other emergencies where assistance is required, reach out to staff if present. During unstaffed hours, call Triple Zero (000) & also activate a duress device by pressing the button, which will alert our security company.
In the event of a fire, the alarm will sound. Stop using the facilities immediately and exit the building via the front door you came in through.
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Not sure which membership option is right for you? Complete the form and a Recovery Club Consultant will be in touch to discuss your options and any questions you may have.