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Accessing the Private Rooms
Just like the front door, you need a booking to be able to open any of our private suites.
All areas of Recovery Club have clear signs to identify which room or space you have reserved.
At the suite you have booked, stand directly at the door reader for that suite, open the Recovery Club App & click ‘check in’, make sure bluetooth is active & ensuring ‘automatically pick the closest door’ is selected, your device will scan for the door, this can take up to 30secs, when your access is granted the reader will turn green, grab the handle & slide the door open. You will only be able to access your suite from the exact time of your booking & will have 50 minutes from this time for your booked service. Each member must use the app to open the door independently ensuring the door closes behind them.
All private rooms are equipped with a magnetic lock system that activates automatically once you’re inside. For additional security, you can also manually lock the door from inside the room. In the event of an emergency, if the door does not open, use the illuminated button to override the lock and unlock the door immediately.
Let’s Connect!
Not sure which membership option is right for you? Complete the form and a Recovery Club Consultant will be in touch to discuss your options and any questions you may have.